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Maria King Presentation Primary School, Limerick, Ireland

Jolly Maths Joke Winner!

28th May 2021

Well done to Sophia who was the top contributor of maths jokes last week.  

Here are some of our favourites for you.  Maybe you would like to try some of them out on your family and


1. What are 10 things you can count on?  Your fingers!

2. Which King loved fractions?  Henry the 1/8 !

3. What do you get when you cross a dog with a calculator?   A friend you can count on.

4. What's a maths teachers favourite season?   Sum-er !

5. Which snakes are good at maths?  Adders!

6. What do you call a crushed angle? A rectangle (wrecked) !

7. Who's the king of the pencil case?   The ruler !

8. What did the bee say when it solved the maths problem?  Hive got it !!!